A little volume goes a long way.

Science says: skin loses firmness, volume, and moisture as time and the elements take their toll. But science also says: we can change that.

If you have sunken cheeks, it is probably due to low levels of hyaluronic acid (a substance that naturally exists between the cells of your body and gives your skin a firm, youthful appearance). As this substance decreases, wrinkles and fine lines form. But, with an injection of Voluma® into your cheeks, the lost volume is restored in minutes, leaving your face firmer, plumper, and more youthful. Results that define your features, not your age.

If you have a special event or vacation coming up, you may want to schedule your treatment at least 2 weeks in advance. Treatments are quick, easy, and done in less than an hour.

After treatment:

You should see results right after getting treated but will see the full effect in one to two weeks.

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